Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome. You've got mail.

Bacchanalia- wild/ drunken behavior- just to set things straight.

wanted to make a blog- thought a cool sounding random word would be excellent- typed "cool sounding random words into google- the creation of ' the bacchanalia'.

With a new laptop that i've already gotten a little bored with, I figured maybe a blog would be a unique adventure.

Plus now that the world cup is over with, there's more space for me and America to pretend to be pasionate about something we don't care/know about.

If you are deeply disappointed with my debut and much anticipated blog, try my frie.. well actually if youre disappointed, something's wrong with you. but if so, try the always second, but much loved, chase bleke's.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that time we almost got canned on spring break? The cops thought we were bookin it from a party in a condo (semi-true) Then the half-retarded drunken (Bacchanalious) dumbass with a suitcase full of spirits came and bailed us out. We obviously had done nothing wrong, and he obviously had no idea wtf was going on. I suppose he just gave the pigs a little more of an interesting lead than the two strikingly beast figures that were previously their objects of entertainment (that's you and me, chief).

    Well, that ignoramus represents America's soccer knowledge. Whereas you and I (in this situation), we are Spain and the Fuckin Netherlands (No, Jamie, you can't be Spain.... Viva la roja, pendeja). I digress. This illustration is intended solely to create a picture for you; for you to recall that hilarious occasion, and to relate it to your statement that America knows nothing about soccer. We don't. We are a football nation. If it ain't made of pigskin, then why is it on the T.V.. Right? Who wants to watch a game that involves 1 point. 1 puny little fuckin point to decide the whole game. Yes, I quite prefer being the bacchanalistic dumbass who bailed out "Spain" and "Netherlands". Not in the instance that we personally observed of course...

    But when it comes to burgers, beer, and good ole football, who in their right mind would prefer men prancing on a field jockeying a ball back and forth making ridiculously insignificant progress while listening to a stadium-sized fucking hornet nest of Vuvuzelas. Call me too American, that's not anything close to an insult (despite Obama's adamant efforts to make it seem so).

    But don't get me wrong, I like FIFA. It's cool to watch all the fans and all the different countries meet on the field once every four years to see who has the best team. However, anyone who tries to tell me this is better than a full Saturday spent between tailgate parties, football stadiums, and house parties is insane.

    You're my boy, Blue.
